quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2013

Rebel Without a Cause

Plato while hide, starts thinking about all the problems that he had in life. The absence of his parents were the most important issue that came to his mind. He realized that he couldn’t become like his parents. After hours of reflection, he decided to give up, many weak thoughts and solutions came to his mind, like suicide. However, he managed to, in the middle of all that fear and anger, realize that it would not solve the problem. He wanted to help. To help those in the same situation that he was.
Plato found his friends, and together they faced the fear and told the truth to the police. After 2 long years of trials and investigations related to Buzz’s death, they were free. Free to live the lives that they never had the possibility to live.
They solve the situation with their parents. No, they didn’t live happy forever. They explained their situation and decided to move on with their lives far from the parents that were never truly present.
The group of friends created an association in order to help children in the same situation, so that they could have someone to talk to. It was an astonishing success and managed to help hundreds of child and, also, use the problems that they had as something that could be turned into something helpful.

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