sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012

Bass Bass bASS

Bass Bass bASS!, right? IF YOU DON’T HAVE A SUBWOFFER, PLEASE STOP READING! After all, what is that "bass" that everyone talks about? Most of the people will logically associate to the instrument, the bass guitar. Well the bass that I’m talking about isn’t exactly the same but it has the guitar bass as origin.

In not “electrical” music, the bass is used to fill or compound the music to make it more harmonically “beautiful” , but in some musics and genres it is basically the main cord instead of the lyrics, for example: Dubstep and Drum and Bass. This isn’t a rule, this doesn’t apply to every music but (at least for me) when I think about this genres that’s what flashes in my mind.

As my colleague said (posted) before, some may not like it or even consider this genres “music” but this is taking a huge dimension  and is changing the concept of “bass” and we just have to deal with it.

Music Therapy

        Today we will learn a little bit about alternative medicines, in specific, therapy with music. Many of you may not know this type of therapy but it exists as early as 400 B.C., Hippocrates, Greek father of medicine, played music for his mental patients.
There are music therapists that primarily help clients improve their health across various domains (e.g., cognitive functioning, motor skills, emotional and affective development, behavior and social skills, and quality of life) by using music experiences to achieve treatment goals and objectives.
Music therapy can “heal” problems such as: Adolescents with mood disorders, heart diseases, neurological disorders, Schizophrenia, Amnesia, Depression, epilepsy and probably much more.
     This method may not be recognize as a “real treatment” to the society nowadays but it should because it shows real results.  

All the world is like a lyric of music….

   First stage: childhood that is a stage of purity of a person. Like a lyric of music we haven’t any idea, anything about it.
   Second stage: young that is a stage of learning. Like a lyric of music we already have some idea about what we will do. For example the construction, the rhymes, the rhythms, among others.
   Third stage:  adult that is a stage of success after many tries. Like a lyric after many trying of construction and rhymes we finally obtain a good music. Of course there are also people that didn’t succeeded nevertheless a lyric couldn’t be a good music depending or not on the construction, the rhymes, the rhythms, among others.
   Then finally stage: older people that are a stage of quietness sometimes forgot. Like a lyric that after sometimes is forget or low listened.

 Sheng Wang 

Music Power

   When I think about music power, I instantly have idea about control, like snakes, we can control them with music played by a flute, and this effect is like magic. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgPMcCIrVVs.
   Well, as you know, everywhere you can listen music, for example, every shop have a radio or self music to clients buy something pleased with ambient. Not only in shops, but also in every party couldn’t be considered a party without music. Even on bus we can hear music. Why as music so common in the society?
   The answer is simple; music may build ambient fantastic, may bring good emotions, but sometimes bad emotions according to status of each person, however, music can distract people for problems who has been.
  In this video I may show you emotions bring by music:
  If in this video hadn’t this music that bring to us a sensation of preoccupation, captive all our attention, we probably can have a patience to see all this video. As you see in this video on the contrary.
   Nonetheless, on commercial advertising is made with music too. Like this:
   So I can conclude that music is a most powerful of human invention, can bring us psychologically very good things..

Sheng Wang


So we are in the end of 2012 and in what concerns to music many things have happened, good one and bad ones. So it’s time to make a balance of what 2012 musically brought us.

One of the most proeminent bands in 2012 was One Direction. One Direction created a similar phenomenon to Justin Bieber. They have basically the same concept: some pretty boys singing love songs. But if the aim was to be known among teens well it was clearly completed.

Another artist that has reached to the top of the music industry was Adele. The British singer brought to us her powerful voice showing its value in songs as ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and more recently ‘Skyfall’.
In the electronic field artists like Skrillex, Example and Borgore were the most proeminent ones participating in most of the worldwide known music festivals.

These were for me the revelations in music industry in 2012, and for you, what was the biggest and most important artist of 2012? The comment box is waiting for you…

Pedro Nunes

Drop the bass

Good afternoon . It’s been a while since my last post so let’s proceed to what really matters. Today my topic will be the emergence of the Electronic Genre.

Since the 80’s. electronic music, or just electro, has been a taking a leading position in the most popular genres in the music industry,

One of the many factors that allowed this genre to evolve was the evolution of technology… Better computers opened new doors to the creation of music never seen before.

But it’s in the 21st century that this evolution was more effective. Almost every teen is in one way or another connected to electro music, in discos or even by listening o it by a friend. By lately this genre split into different and new varieties called Drum&Bass and Dubstep.

These new varieties are now so mainstream that almost 8 in 10 teens listen to it. The rest of the people consider it ‘noise’. But, they are just opinions if you knew these genres before I’ll let you some good ‘hits’. If you don’t, well, there’s always a first time…

Pedro Nunes