sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012

Bass Bass bASS

Bass Bass bASS!, right? IF YOU DON’T HAVE A SUBWOFFER, PLEASE STOP READING! After all, what is that "bass" that everyone talks about? Most of the people will logically associate to the instrument, the bass guitar. Well the bass that I’m talking about isn’t exactly the same but it has the guitar bass as origin.

In not “electrical” music, the bass is used to fill or compound the music to make it more harmonically “beautiful” , but in some musics and genres it is basically the main cord instead of the lyrics, for example: Dubstep and Drum and Bass. This isn’t a rule, this doesn’t apply to every music but (at least for me) when I think about this genres that’s what flashes in my mind.

As my colleague said (posted) before, some may not like it or even consider this genres “music” but this is taking a huge dimension  and is changing the concept of “bass” and we just have to deal with it.

1 comentário:

  1. New music genres pop up everyday. It's almost impossible to keep up with that pace and to distinguish them all. I'm glad I can learn new things about music with your blog.
