Today we will learn a little bit about alternative medicines, in specific, therapy with music. Many of you may not know this type of therapy but it exists as early as 400 B.C., Hippocrates, Greek father of medicine, played music for his mental patients.
There are music therapists that primarily help clients improve their health across various domains (e.g., cognitive functioning, motor skills, emotional and affective development, behavior and social skills, and quality of life) by using music experiences to achieve treatment goals and objectives.
Music therapy can “heal” problems such as: Adolescents with mood disorders, heart diseases, neurological disorders, Schizophrenia, Amnesia, Depression, epilepsy and probably much more.
This method may not be recognize as a “real treatment” to the society nowadays but it should because it shows real results.
Is music therapy also available in your country? Is it possible to know about it? Eventually your readers would like to know about it since it has so may benefits...It's always a different alternative to improve our health and well-being without medicines.