quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

Free Theme

Free Theme

In this post, probably my last one, I chose my theme as “Free Theme”. On the one hand I will talk about my consideration about “why I choose this theme” on the other hand it relationship with music.

“We can think about however we want, we can write about whatever we want, we just need some imagination, inspiration and concentration.” It’s a thought’s way of many people inclusively mine. Therefore free theme is a form to show other what himself is thinking or was thinking in that moment, so that it can show us their knowledge and mentality.

I, as free theme’s chooser, clearly had no idea about what I want to write, furthermore I hadn't idea about what I could talk, and thus this theme is certainly appropriate to me. Firstly because it’s a difficult theme, we haven’t many ideas about it, secondly it’s a theme that we could talk about in this post, and lastly I think that it’s perfectly proper to me, because it show you about my thought’s form that is poor in imagination and I’m a challenger, I like challenge a hard theme like this while I could choose a theme more easy.

Music is like free theme, started in blank, and when you start to write you are starting to win knowledge and you will able to write more interesting lyrics, you “just need imagination, inspiration and concentration”.

In this way I can conclude my post with last commentary which is the hardness of a free theme, because you are searching in the void ideas, like beginning of music’s creation, and the void is the beginning of everybody. As last post, it's able to be a paradox between the beginner and end.

Thank you for your watch, see you next time.

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