sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012

Bass Bass bASS

Bass Bass bASS!, right? IF YOU DON’T HAVE A SUBWOFFER, PLEASE STOP READING! After all, what is that "bass" that everyone talks about? Most of the people will logically associate to the instrument, the bass guitar. Well the bass that I’m talking about isn’t exactly the same but it has the guitar bass as origin.

In not “electrical” music, the bass is used to fill or compound the music to make it more harmonically “beautiful” , but in some musics and genres it is basically the main cord instead of the lyrics, for example: Dubstep and Drum and Bass. This isn’t a rule, this doesn’t apply to every music but (at least for me) when I think about this genres that’s what flashes in my mind.

As my colleague said (posted) before, some may not like it or even consider this genres “music” but this is taking a huge dimension  and is changing the concept of “bass” and we just have to deal with it.

Music Therapy

        Today we will learn a little bit about alternative medicines, in specific, therapy with music. Many of you may not know this type of therapy but it exists as early as 400 B.C., Hippocrates, Greek father of medicine, played music for his mental patients.
There are music therapists that primarily help clients improve their health across various domains (e.g., cognitive functioning, motor skills, emotional and affective development, behavior and social skills, and quality of life) by using music experiences to achieve treatment goals and objectives.
Music therapy can “heal” problems such as: Adolescents with mood disorders, heart diseases, neurological disorders, Schizophrenia, Amnesia, Depression, epilepsy and probably much more.
     This method may not be recognize as a “real treatment” to the society nowadays but it should because it shows real results.  

All the world is like a lyric of music….

   First stage: childhood that is a stage of purity of a person. Like a lyric of music we haven’t any idea, anything about it.
   Second stage: young that is a stage of learning. Like a lyric of music we already have some idea about what we will do. For example the construction, the rhymes, the rhythms, among others.
   Third stage:  adult that is a stage of success after many tries. Like a lyric after many trying of construction and rhymes we finally obtain a good music. Of course there are also people that didn’t succeeded nevertheless a lyric couldn’t be a good music depending or not on the construction, the rhymes, the rhythms, among others.
   Then finally stage: older people that are a stage of quietness sometimes forgot. Like a lyric that after sometimes is forget or low listened.

 Sheng Wang 

Music Power

   When I think about music power, I instantly have idea about control, like snakes, we can control them with music played by a flute, and this effect is like magic. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgPMcCIrVVs.
   Well, as you know, everywhere you can listen music, for example, every shop have a radio or self music to clients buy something pleased with ambient. Not only in shops, but also in every party couldn’t be considered a party without music. Even on bus we can hear music. Why as music so common in the society?
   The answer is simple; music may build ambient fantastic, may bring good emotions, but sometimes bad emotions according to status of each person, however, music can distract people for problems who has been.
  In this video I may show you emotions bring by music:
  If in this video hadn’t this music that bring to us a sensation of preoccupation, captive all our attention, we probably can have a patience to see all this video. As you see in this video on the contrary.
   Nonetheless, on commercial advertising is made with music too. Like this:
   So I can conclude that music is a most powerful of human invention, can bring us psychologically very good things..

Sheng Wang


So we are in the end of 2012 and in what concerns to music many things have happened, good one and bad ones. So it’s time to make a balance of what 2012 musically brought us.

One of the most proeminent bands in 2012 was One Direction. One Direction created a similar phenomenon to Justin Bieber. They have basically the same concept: some pretty boys singing love songs. But if the aim was to be known among teens well it was clearly completed.

Another artist that has reached to the top of the music industry was Adele. The British singer brought to us her powerful voice showing its value in songs as ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and more recently ‘Skyfall’.
In the electronic field artists like Skrillex, Example and Borgore were the most proeminent ones participating in most of the worldwide known music festivals.

These were for me the revelations in music industry in 2012, and for you, what was the biggest and most important artist of 2012? The comment box is waiting for you…

Pedro Nunes

Drop the bass

Good afternoon . It’s been a while since my last post so let’s proceed to what really matters. Today my topic will be the emergence of the Electronic Genre.

Since the 80’s. electronic music, or just electro, has been a taking a leading position in the most popular genres in the music industry,

One of the many factors that allowed this genre to evolve was the evolution of technology… Better computers opened new doors to the creation of music never seen before.

But it’s in the 21st century that this evolution was more effective. Almost every teen is in one way or another connected to electro music, in discos or even by listening o it by a friend. By lately this genre split into different and new varieties called Drum&Bass and Dubstep.

These new varieties are now so mainstream that almost 8 in 10 teens listen to it. The rest of the people consider it ‘noise’. But, they are just opinions if you knew these genres before I’ll let you some good ‘hits’. If you don’t, well, there’s always a first time…

Pedro Nunes

domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012

The Four Stages of Life

   In the beginning we all believe in Santa Claus. As we are young and naive, it's magical time for some lucky boys and girls, receiving all they want in Christmas, but unfortunately not everybody can have the same luck. Most of the time, a large amount of toys and objects are made by other children, working like slaves, the ones that maybe don't even know who Santa Claus is.
   Then, we stop believing in Santa Claus. As we become older, we gain a perfect view about who was our Santa Claus all the time and that the concept of Santa Claus is ridiculous. It's not and easy phase, with puberty hitting in with a lot of complexes. But there are also good times, in this age, we achieve many goals and dreams, and having adventures with your friends.

   When we realize, we are Santa Claus, we are parents. We are our children Santa Claus and it is our mission to keep their dreams alive, ignoring the fact that the "real" Santa Claus doesn't exists. At this time, we don't have many significant or drastically life-changing goals, just keeping our current life styles and maybe improving it but not in a radical way.

   Finally, after being Santa Claus, we start looking like him. Getting old, the physical aspect isn't important anymore, we get fat, bold and facially hairy. The cycles continues.

sábado, 27 de outubro de 2012


Life is like a tree.
We are seeded and we born.
We raise ourselves with the protection of the leaders of the group.
We flower and start to look like a grown-up.
We start bearing fruits and our relationships with others increase.
Our life gets worse and gets better just like the leaves get brown in the fall.
Our being reproduces and gives birth to new ones, similar to us.
Our contribution to the community declines.
Our presence doesn´t make sense anymore.
We are burdens to the community.
Our place is taken by younger elements.
And, to complete the cycle,
We die.

Pedro Nunes

sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2012

TRON Legacy (2010)

  TRON Legacy is my movie of election. Not for his amazing story, but for his INCREDIBLE soundtrack made ENTIRELY by Daft Punk (one of my favorite artists).

  The soundtrack is an such important element in any movie, specially in this one. It gives such a thrill and an enthusiasm, that, along with the story and the special effects, makes it an worth watching movie.

  Now, beside the soundtrack, I also true love the very awesome special effects and the art work. It was all so worked to the details, it looks all so futuristic and marvelous,so eye-appealing.

  The story is good too, kind of evolving, but at the same time also predictable what makes it not so good.. The mix of the the soundtrack and special effects, basically, makes it my favorite movie. I recommend everyone, of any age, to watch it.  

Ted (2012)

The film that makes me think that are different and more comic is Ted because this film is a comedy film. It's very funny, show us the life of teens of XXI century but represented by a person with about 40 years.
The teddy came to life due to a wish of a child who did'nt have friend until until that time. Then they render to be best friends forever.
That's just an introduction, now it's time to the real theme of the text: music. The sound waves show us too the music of XX century listened by a person with about 40 years too.
Like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=lhzyQ89ElEE&NR=1). It makes me think that people with 40 years old should like to listen to this type of music, it can let them feel free.

Sheng Wang

Angels & Demons (2009)

           Based on Dan Brown’s bestseller with the same title, Angels and Demons is certainly one of the best films I have ever watched. We can´t say that there were spectacular special effects, nor a brilliant performance of any of its actors, it’s true, we can’t… But, as a matter of fact, and despite our approval or disapproval to the principles of the Catholic Church , this film, along with The Da Vinci Code, criticized in an unseen way the Catholicism and its beliefs.

The Illuminati, a secret society with more than 200 years, the Conclave, the Camerlengo, that in the film is described as traitor in spite of being the Pope’s counselor and adviser… All these criticisms represent a fall from the inside of the Catholic Church and the shake of the principles that it defends.

The Vatican is aware of this and decided to censor it and, in spite of the many asks of the producers to record some scenes of the film there, they disapproved and denied that request.

The critics to the Church and the theme aroused my attention and made me forget the lack of a brilliant soundtrack or an awesome performance. From 1 to 10, it would be a 9. Watch it, it’s worth it.

Pedro Nunes

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012

"Elizabeth the Golden Age" Soundtrack

  Music, I am still perplex about what she can do in tree minutes. She can tell all your
life... Can you really appreciate the beauty of melody in the soundtrack of
Elizabeth the Golden Age? It is an absolutely superb piece of art. The contrast between the catholic side and the Elizabeth side was made so deeply and real. They clearly show us that the Catholic side is much more
dark, scary and showed us the image of Hell, when they worship God and
they want to be the “good ones”. While Elizabeth has an aura that shines all its beauty,
its purity, his greatness and his goodness, it's fantastic. So as you can see there are differences
between the Catholic side and Elizabeth.

So great!

Oh so great the soundtrack in the part in which Queen Elizabeth and Robert Dudley  start talking and the passoin between them becomes stronger! That movie (‘Elizabeth: the Golden Age’), I had never watched it before, and I swear, its true, it gives me strength to find my love.
Therefore the song that appears in the final battle with Spanish was awesome too, it made my heartbeat so fast and emotional... In that moment I just wanted to join the battle! But I can't, just because it will hurt me, and I'm afraid of it. Wait... Despite this, I will join them because that is what the soundtrack tells me to do!

-Sheng Wang

Elizabeth: Golden Age

We are back online along with an incredible experience with the Elizabeth: The Golden Age. We had never watched that movie until last week and it was absolutely amazing! Our attention was mostly focused on the soundtrack, and if you allow me the expression, it was one hell of a soundtrack! The way how the emotional charge was smoothly emphasized by the soundtrack was absolutely astonishing!

If we, on the one side, watch a scene in which Philip of Spain emerges, an outrageous song takes our attention as if we instinctively knew that Philip was a character that was not supposed to be trusted.

If we, on the other side, watch a scene in which Queen Elizabeth is the main character the soundtrack evolves into a whole new level and our mind is invaded by feelings of hope, portraying the image of Queen Elizabeth as a savior.

 It is worth watching that movie not only because of the main story but also because of the brilliant soundtrack that accompanies it.

Just a small speech to enhance the magnificence oh this movie:

''Can you imagine what it is to cross on ocean? For weeks you see nothing but the horizon, perfect & empty.You living in the grip of fear. Fear of storm, fear of sickness on the board, fear of immensity.So you must drive the fear down deep into your belly, study your chart, watch your compass, pray for a fair wind & hope, pure, naked, fragile, hope...At first, it's no more than a haze on the horizon, so you watch, you watch, then it's a smudge, a shadow on the far water. For a day, for another day, the stain slowly spreads along the horizon taking form until on the third day, you let yourself believe. You dare to whisper the word: Land, land, life, resurrection. The true adventure coming out of the vast unknown, out of the immensity, into new life new world.''

Pedro Nunes

quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012

Late Modern English Era

Late Modern English Era, composers began to experiment with open forms and with more personally  expressive systems of  notation.
The United States was about to embark on a musical journey that would change the face of music for decades to come with emigragions of people from various country, majority african.
Than we began have more new mode of music, the three mode of music that I will mention are:
Rock And Roll, that electric guitar is center of musical instrument and considered by music of "black" cause was made by africans.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5fsqYctXgM).
Rhythm And Blues, that is construted by various by various musical instrument also considered by music of "black". (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_V-DoQ5Hwo).
Traditional Pop, which the principal is sing of person with various musical instrumental.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flm4xcOyiCo&feature=BFa&list=PLFDEF79377CA28841).

- Sheng Wang

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

How did Music change during Industrial Revolution ?

In this period of British music, the main instrument used to create melodies was the piano. It was invented in 1700 and had a huge importance concerning the increasing quality of music.   

 However, by the 1830's musicians felt the necessity to have louder instruments, instruments that could be heard in huge concert halls due to their bigger power comparing to the ones that used to be played. Instead of losing musical tone they wanted to keep it and add volume to it creating better melodies. The Steinway family largely improved the quality of the piano that were made in those days to meet this demand and registered their new improvements. The result was the creation of more sophisticated instruments that could be heard in large rooms as they were meant to be.

These creations allowed many musicians to create new melodies and improve the old ones, making possible to diversify music in different genres. After Industrial Revolution many genres were created such as British dance band (a genre of popular jazz and dance music that developed in British dance halls and hotel ballrooms during the 1920s and 1930s) what led to huge changes in the way how music was interpreted as cultural patrimony.

terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

The Elizabethan Era

In the Early Modern English period, the Elizabethan era spans. The music in the Elizabethan era,or Elizabethan Music, refers to the music played in the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603). In this period English music was developed to a such high level that commanded respect from the rest of Western Civilization.

 Beside of the declination of the church's role, it was a major significance for music in the 16th century. The puritans (significant grouping of English Protestants) tried to end with the church music but the will of the people only made it more predominat.The style of the church music was known as choral polyphony and  many of those are still sung today.

 Queen Elizabeth I was interested in music and also knew well how to play instruments. She could play the lute and virginals, a small form of a harpsichord. She inspired courtiers and gentlemen to understand the art of music. Dancing was considered part of propriety by Queen Elizabeth.

 After Elizabeth I's death, English music maintained its level for a short while, and fell off (largely after the Revolution) with the change of styles leading to the 'early baroque' period.

 -João Gonçalves

domingo, 16 de setembro de 2012


Welcome to our blog. 

We are a group of students attending high school in Portugal who created this blog as part of our English subject. We will be posting from time to time, probably every two weeks, some commentaries about current issues always related to music. We hope you follow us regularly and we will try to keep you ‘’musically updated’’. 

Stay tuned.